Friday, May 11, 2012

Wardens SUCK

Yeah I said it. Are you a warden? Are you offended? GOOD. Prove me wrong.

I'm not saying the class sucks. It's an awesome class, however Turbine did forewarn you, it is an advanced class.

It's not really a class you can 'alt' on once in a blue moon and expect to be effective at playing it. The shear number of gambits with stances is for me, mind boggling. However, after playing the class for a bit, you do get into a rhythm of what gambits you like and for what situation and work with that. For the life of me it appears many Warden players completely throw the AOE taunt, threat building gambits right out the window or the thought of these gambits never occurred in their mind.

Because it's an advanced class, playing it doesn't make you an advanced player you nitwit.

Case in point (as to the reason of this post). Ran Foundry t2 with a warden. AWESOME run. He has balls the size of Jamaica. He ran in, aggroed everything, pulled them to the next group, aggroed them etc etc. Mini and I kept him up and our champs shing-shinged everything into oblivion.

The other side of the coin:
Lvl. 75 skirmish raid. 3 wardens in the raid (that's 3 for 12...) and the goddam skirmish protector solider is the one holding aggro...for extended periods of time (more than a force taunt would create) and I've got pics to prove it. Hilarious yes, embarrassing for the wardens, bloody well should be.

Rant off. Good luck wardening, because I suck at it therefore I DON'T PLAY IT IN FELLOWSHIPS.

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