Sunday, May 20, 2012

Enter the Kalithir

After capping a Guard, Cappy and Champ (all the heavies, cause if you ain't wearing heavy metal, you suck...the only way I play my mini is to have it cosmetically outfitted to look like a D&D cleric), I got a LM to 69 but just not feelin it. Hunter to 43 but again...not feelin it, it gets too boring for me. I started the burg and dropped it after 26 levels as it was too much mucking around for me, but after capping I've had another crack at it, rearranged my skill bars and well, haven't looked back. Am loving it! I'm finding he mows through mobs quicker than my champ or hunter (at least normal mobs) as he doesn't have to 'focus up' or 'fervor up' to start with high damaging attacks. What was slow before (sneaking behind someone) has really been off-put with traited sneak trait, + distraction. BOOM. Basically running around at lvl 50 one shotting them crawlers.

Like any class I've played though, if there isn't an interesting enough backstory to the character, I hate playing him. (yes, I have stories in my mind, yes, I am crazy, any other questions?)

Now that Kalithir is 50, I'm confident in his rise to 75 and to become a recognizable name as Aoeworth and Fayadorn fade into "hey we need a cappy or guard, can you switch" (Vorss, my champ is an enigma as champs/hunters are so common I'm never asked to go on that class, even though I LOVE his backstory, but this is about Kalithir not the others)

So am gonna start a little diary on Kalithir's progression from 50 to 75 hope you enjoy it as much as I plan to.

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